Stockholm Archipelago - Sandhamn

So, we went on saturday morning to explore Sandhamn, a small settlement in the central-peripheral part of the Stockholm Archipelago in central-eastern Sweden, approximately 50 km (30 mi) east of Stockholm - Map to Sandhamn .It was an easy drive and you could see all other little islands on the way.
More on pictures than in words (cus I'm not good in words :)

Exploring Marche - iTALY

I am honored I went to Italy for my 1st @Instagram campaign.
The name of the project I was invited was #ExploringMarche in Marche-Italy by the Founder and President of Instagramers Italia Ilaria Barbotti @ilarysgrill 
Here are some of the images of this amazing place, so that you all can plan a trip to beautiful Italy. #italy #exploringmarche3 #marche @ExploringMarche by @dashable

For all the informations on this part of Italy, you can ask the great Lady of Italy 

Ilaria Barbotti
PR Exploring Marche
Marche lover


As i was searching what to make for next post, i realized that i really do not have any of architecture pictures and for tomorrow client i will need some pictures to show, so i decided to make collage of some pictures from my trip in Copenhagen.
I also want to say that today i was thinking to buy my own domain name and start real page, but i am spreader around the web so much, so i will little wait for that.